Chocolate cookies- BTS I went to the studio just with the idea of photographing the cookies on a wooden background, to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, I had no plans for how I was going to do this, so I tried several ideas, some of them I ended up abandoning. Preparation I started by choosing the backgrounds for the image. I had already decided that I wanted a wooden background and I knew that I had, in the studio, […]
It roCkS bikes is back with a new masterpiece. I went back to photographing another of his engineering works of art. This time it was the CS08, which is based on a BMW 800cc that went to the 1000cc, in addition to the improvements in the engine this CS08 suffered some improvements in the braking system and in the suspension, not to mention the body of the bike that now consists of a single piece, in the style of it […]
An agency I work with, with product photography, hired me to photograph not one, but two race cars. I had already photographed motorbikes, but cars was going to be the first time, and despite photographing motorbikes is not something that different, with cars the problems are almost always bigger, the surfaces are bigger, the reflexes are bigger, the areas to be illuminated are bigger … everything is bigger. The indications that the agency gave me were the following: – The […]
I had the privilege, again, of making the images for Cristina Manso Preto’s new book “Doces” This time we had to deal with the limitations of the pandemic, but we managed to do everything as we wanted. Thank you very much to Cristina for trusting my work again, thank you to Porto Editora and Victor Gonçalves for also continuing to entrust me with the responsibility of making all the images for the book, thank you to Marta Garrido for taking […]