
Ana Moura at SuperBock Arena

Ana Moura at SuperBock Arena. June 26th

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Ana Moura

Ana Moura at Campo Pequeno

Ana Moura at Campo Pequeno. June 20th

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Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium Bundle – Review

Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium Bundle review. In recent years, new pen tablet brands have appeared, some have presented interesting products, but the vast majority of them have tried to gain space in the mora affordable pen tablets, or at least cheaper than the brand considered as the reference, Wacon. So far, as far as I can remember, no new brand, was really capable of beating Wacon. But that has changed, because now Xencelabs has arrived, which although it is a […]

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Rui veloso

Rui Veloso Santa Casa Portugal ao Vivo

Rui Veloso Santa Casa Portugal ao Vivo Concerts are back, and they came back in complete safety. And what better way to return to the concerts than with Rui Veloso? Here are some of the images I made.

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L´Eau D´Issey

How i made the image: “L´Eau D´Isse”

In this video I show the whole process to make the image “L´Eau D´Issey”

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Headphones azuis

How i made the image “Blues Phones”

In this video i show how i made the image “Blues Phones”

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How i shot and edited the Rexona image.

For this image I decided to test a technique with water and some splashes, but with this technique the Rexona packaging would be submerged in water and the splashes of water would be made in water. As normal, whenever I photograph with water, I was careful not to let any water reach any electrical equipment.

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Eternity - Calvin Clein

How i made the secound “Eternity” image

for this, second, image of the Calvin Klein perfume bottle, Eternity, I decided to use water for the bottom, and I also chose to create some green tones in the water. I left a lot of “empty” space in the image to let the bottle “breathe” and also to maintain an advertising feel, where the text could enter the empty space. My first concern was to keep water away from electrical equipment, and also to keep the floor dry, to […]

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XP-PEN Deco mini7W

XP-PEN Deco mini7W Review

XP-PEN Deco mini7W Review has just launched its new tablet, the Deco mini7w, a small but powerful table and the fact that it connects wirelessly to the computer makes this table much easier to use and much more versatile.I just had to test it, and when sent me this one to test it I was completely delighted with it.I’ve been editing my images with a pen for a long time, with the mouse I can’t get the level of control […]

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